Friday, 21 February 2014


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our opening film sequence is based on thriller conventions by the voice over in the background which has a deep serious voices which gives it a dark feel, we have it playing along as the main character wakes up and looks at his mission so it opens up the film with him describing who he is and showing him for the first time.   There's no happy music playing which straight away takes away any kind of happy or comedy element. We use a selection of images of world leaders set up as targets that the protagonist has been clearly paid with allot of money to kill. The setting is a living room where the main character is asleep with his shirt and trousers on showing he probably fell straight asleep drunk by himself, this is backed up when as soon as he gets up he opens a bottle of vodka and pours a big glass. Although the audience first perception (Perception is also the film title) is that he is a low life drunk, the protagonist is actually a very intelligent hence the film name being perception. The film/opening sequence challenges peoples views, the fact that we are presented with a false representation of the character is

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
For our media project we went against some of the stereotypes which are burdened upon young peole today in the modern era. Our main protagonist "Luther Bale" is not a clean cut, smart sofisticated young hired killer but a scruffy one who dosent care about his appeerance and seems as if his life is spiralling down as he's sleeping in the middle of the day next to a bottle of vodka which he drinks as soon as he awakes. Alcholism is a stereotype that sticks to the younger people as they are drinking alot more and its causing many problems.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
A low budget company would be able to produce it as it dosent require to much. Films that have been hugely successful like the blair witch project only spent $22,500 yet grossed £248,300,000 from it. An example of a thriller doing this is 'Open Water', a film about a couple who went scuba diving and got left behind in the great barrier reef and were lost in shark infested waters. the budget was only $130,000 yet it grossed $55,000,000, proving a thriller dosent have to cost loads. As long as the film has a strong plot and powerful screenplay many of the

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
More adult themed as its based on a serial killer killing important figures in society and features adult things like the vodka. Teenagers and young people would really like it as it gives the impression there will be a lot of murder and violence in it. The film rating would probably be high at least a 12 but most likely a 15 as the opening sequence gives the impression its gonna be violent and not family friendly.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
Our target audience was aimed at teenagers and young people so ages of around 14-30. We set the film up to appeal to this audience by showing targets that hes going to murder within a short amount of time which appeals to them. The music in the film is suspenseful so entices the audience into wanting to know whats going to happen to the targets and how the protagonist is going to execute them.

6. What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Handelling cameras was one of the most important things to learn and we learned it the hard way. We learnt in order to take much more still and focused shots we used a tripod to staberlise the camera. Premiere Pro was the software we used to put all our shots together along with our titles to create the film, and we got our effects from there as well as importing our music into it from a website called incompetech.

7. Looking back at the premiliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
We worked well as a group as we are all friends and get along so it wasnt awkward. We used the tripod to stable the camera so we could get the best shots possible. We used match on action for pouring out the vodka, looking at the world leaders, pulling out the money out of the envelope.
Our first set of takes were not up to the required standard as they were shakey and it wasnt at all entertaining or well structured. We sat down together and made it alot more interesting by creating more of a character which showed alot more about the protagonist, like the fact he's an alcoholic and match on actions of the world leaders he aims to kill. One of the most significant factors that improved our second and more successful set of takes was using a tripod for the camera instead of hand holding it which made our shots alot more still and focused.