We quickly discover Elizabeth is a doctor who is also a workaholic and she is trying to get the attendant position in the hospital, therefore is working extra long hours and tiring herself out. There is happy non-digetic music playing as she walks round the hospital and makes her life seem really good but then in the bathroom scene we discover she isnt happy as she's lonely. On her way home from work its really rainy and dark so sets the scene so it seems like something bad is going to happen. We see a point of view persepctive from Elizabeth as an oncoming truck is heading towards her, then a close up of her with the trucks headlights shining onto her face then it transitions into the clouds where we assume heaven is.
She always seems happy when she's working despite doing 26 straight hours. She dosent have time for men because she works so much, but when her friends at the hospital mention their kids and husbands she looks sad and the audience can tell thats whats missing in her life.
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