Friday, 4 October 2013

Se7en and Red Dragon title sequence analysis

                       In 'se7en' the videos and images in the background show the theme of the film and give the audience hints what the films about by showing things that he does. This is similar to Red Dragon as the opening sequence shows the newspapers telling a story of how Hannibal Lecter got sent to court and found guilty as a cannibal and the agent was mentally ill. It gives clues as to whats going to happen during the film. the black and white colour schemes were also used as they link to darkness and scariness, relating to the horror thriller genre. The zooming is soft from the cameras so gives the opening sequence a smooth flow. The increase of tempo in the music makes it more dramatic and gives it a spookier feel,such as the violin in 'Red Dragon'. 
                      The differrences were the differrent instruments though they both fitted in with the spooky horror thriller genre. The words dissolving in 'Red Dragon' could show people missing and link to the ones he has eat or will kill and eat in the future. The music is 'Red Dragon' is more traditional and classical and fits with Hannibal being an old fashioned man though in 'Se7en' it is more modern and electric which shows its more likely to be in modern day and set in the present. The music picks up as the opening scene commences and the drums start to get faster picking up the tempo making it seem more dramatic. There is a clip towards the end of a nail going through someones thumb which brings in the horror genre of the film and prepares the audience for some scenes which could be quite gruesome. The electric synthersizers pick up as well and creates a dramatic peace of music which has a high tempo instead of 'Red Dragons' which is much slower and is accompanied by string instruments such as violins which create a very tense feel. 

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